Weekly Update | September 22, 2024

8:00 am Said Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Lady Chapel)
10:00 am Sung Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Sanctuary)
In-Person and Live Streamed on YouTube | Leaflet
Children and Youth Chapel will be available at the 10am service. We welcome the children and youth to the CYF Room after the opening acclamation and return during the peace.
A very happy birthday to all who are celebrating this week including Ms. Josephine Reneau.
Vestry-On-Call: Mr. Jason Malone
Vestry members are partners with clergy, encouraging the growth of community and the establishment of common ground in the spiritual life of the congregation. Parishioners are always welcome to speak with these individuals on Sunday morning; they assist in making sure our questions, comments, or concerns are heard.
Acolyte Training This Sunday
Training will take place this Sunday at noon following the 10:00 am service of Holy Eucharist. Current members of the guild should plan to attend. If you are curious or interested to learn more, speak with the Rev. Anne after the service.