
Weekly Update | October 8, 2023

Dean's Note

This time of year is one of transition liturgically without knowing fully what is happening. The Season of Pentecost, known affectionately as Ordinary Time, begins in May after the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit blows through, and ends with Advent at the end of November, early December. For the month of September, we have also been celebrating the Season of Creation – a worldwide observance focusing on the care of creation. The urgent need to be advocates and faithful stewards are realities as the impacts of global warming grow in strength. We ended this season within a season last Sunday with the Blessings of Animals.

In our Gospel readings, Jesus is approaching the cross. We have traveled with him through the active ministry of his life, teaching in parable, healing the sick, and proclaiming good news to the poor, especially those cast out. At the end of November our liturgical year will start anew in Advent, as we prepare to welcome the Christ child into our hearts and lives once again.

So, here we are. Our beautiful choir has returned, and Dr. Christopher Gravis will join us next Sunday – back from his sabbatical, and his long walk on the Camino. Let us give our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Zachery Neufeld for his gifts of music, and Hilary Fraser-Thomson for her lovely voice. Let us also thank our wonderful lay leaders and dedicated staff who serve most every day, with gracious and generous hearts.

There is much happening between now and Advent, including the Episcopal Chorale’s 40th Anniversary on October 8th and The Guibord Center Gala on October 12th, next week. Then mark your calendar for The Rev. Dr. Eric Law and the continuation of our parish wide conversations about what we love about St. John’s, and how God might be calling this parish forward. On October 22nd and November 5th, there will be a combined service at 9:00am, followed by brunch and visioning from 10:00am – 12:30pm. You matter greatly! Thank you for your presence among us.

Much love and blessings,

Anne Sawyer

Interim Dean & Priest-in-Charge