
Weekly Update | August 4, 2024

We knew last Sunday would be glorious as we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women in the Episcopal Church, but I never imagined being thanked and honored by all of you: by your presence, willingness to be servant leaders, generous gifts – beautiful flowers and a delicious coffee hour, and your kind words and loving support. I give special thanks to St. John’s Parish Life Committee, the Rev. Mel Soriano, and Canon Lurelean Gaines, Senior Warden. Thank you for the opportunity to serve with you in ministry.

Times of transition are challenging because they require us to discern how God is calling us forward. This requires carrying the best of the past with us, as we open our minds and hearts to all the possibilities that exist. I believe with heart and soul that the future of St. John’s is bright as we continue growing in faith, taking action, speaking up, and living fully into God’s beloved community. All are welcome here.

With love and blessings,
