Weekly Update | January 14, 2024

The breaking of light, of love, of God into our world and into our lives every day. Can you see and feel God’s presence within and beyond? As we begin a New Year, on behalf of St. John’s Cathedral I invite you to join us as we continue the process of discerning where God is leading us next. Time never stands still, nor do we.
On the horizon are several exciting opportunities for an epiphany. This Saturday on 13 January, The Revs. Melvin Soriano, Jonathon Stoner and Joshua Wong will be ordained to the priesthood thanks be to God and with the people’s consent. Join us at 10am for a service that will open hearts to the glorious Spirit of God.
Then on Sunday, St. John’s Cathedral will celebrate and honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by welcoming The Rev. Brandon Harris, Associate Dean of Religious Life at USC; followed by an exhibit of local and national black artists, curated by the talented Mary Harris of Mary Harris Original Art Company. At the reception, the gifted Bob Bowen will offer a reading of some of his poetry as he invites us to awake.
Our Month of Black History will continue during January and February this year, thanks to the leadership of the Black History Planning Committee, with Canon Earl Mounger as our guide. We are excited to welcome the Rev. Canon Warner Traynham, former Rector, back to St. John’s, and award-winning singer, song-writer and author Andre Henry as preachers who will enlighten us.
In the midst of it all, there are two gatherings that will invite us to discern how we are called. On January 23rd, the gifted Rev. Dr. Eric Law will continue his work with us – as we carry the best of the past forward, celebrate all that is good and discern where God is leading us during this time of transition. There will be one service at 9am on 1/23, followed by a light breakfast and our work together.
The second gathering is simply an invitation to learn more about Black History and to read, hear, and ponder the experiences of being black today by reading Andre Henry’s book, “All the White Friends I Couldn’t Keep” and joining us for a book study. Mr. Henry acknowledges that this is not an easy read, and he brings to light and shares his own experiences of being black, and the work that needs to be done for the love of God to shine brightly in this world.
The book study will happen on Saturday mornings from 11am to 12:30pm, beginning 1/20, onsite at the Cathedral. Please contact the church office for more information.
Thank you for shining the light of Christ into this world, where we live, move and have our being. May God’s light and love burn brightly in and through us. May the year shine bright.
Love and blessings,