Weekly Update | October 22, 2023

New beginnings are hard and exciting
It is with great sadness that I share that Ada and her team are leaving St. John’s Cathedral. While Ada made this decision last week, she let us know that last Sunday was her last. I’m told that goodbyes are hard. . .
Ada and her family joined St. John’s shortly before the pandemic. Being so very capable and dedicated, Ada and her family worked diligently to make all things possible. In addition to her work around church, she catered many beautiful events and helped to run our monthly food pantry. We will miss Ada and her team, and wish everyone only the very best. We are grateful for their loving support over the years.
Kelsey, who has been responsible for communications and social media, will also be moving with Ada and the family. As you may know, Kelsey is a gifted professional, and a delight with whom to work. She will be dearly missed.
For those of you that would like to extend a personal thank you to Ada and her team, please feel free to drop a card in the basket at the back of the church and we will make sure she receives them.
Please welcome Sobhan Nouri as our temporary full-time sexton for now. Many thanks to Fr. Lee for this introduction. Sobhan speaks three languages, and is learning English. Please give him a warm welcome. He hasn’t stopped working since he began!
Love and blessings,