
Weekly Update | May 5, 2024

I was told by parish leaders that the only way we could extend hospitality to each other was to pay someone to do it; not so now. There has been this amazing shift in the past six months!

The 8 o’clock team has led the way – first, by wanting to remember and celebrate the birthdays and anniversaries of church members with cards, a prayer, and sweets. Second, by making sure that those who came early had something delicious to eat after service. Special thanks to Ruby and Jim for living into this ministry with bold leadership.

Parishioners at the 10 o’clock service have recently kicked into action in a big way. We have shifted from relying on someone else to taking the lead by stepping up. Vestry members were the first to volunteer as hosts for the 10am service with each member committing to one month. The idea was never to do it alone, but rather to ask friends old and new to assist with hosting a simple and delicious coffee hour.

Arnie was the first to say yes to the month of April and demonstrated the art of being kind and welcoming (Arnie and Martha have created a worksheet that others can use if they wish to take a turn). Velma and Dee have been contributing in a huge way too - they started during Black History Month and Lent, and continue their hospitality to this day. Just last week, the choir hosted a grand celebration with homemade desserts, donuts, peach juice, and mimosas, among other healthy delights. Many thanks to all!

Please note there are faithful parishioners among us who must stay healthy. Be thoughtful and kind when sharing and extend the same care you might wish to receive.  Thank you for blessing us! Join the fun!  Let The Revs. Mel and Anne know that you’d like to help with Parish Life to learn about this ministry and so much more.

