Weekly Update | February 2, 2025

Interim Dean and Priest-in-Charge's Note
Today is the last day in January 2025, thanks be to God. It has been quite a month, and many of us are feeling traumatized here in Los Angeles.
I would invite and encourage us to be kind and understanding with each other, knowing that there is so much beyond our control that is impacting the world in which we live. When craziness swirls beyond control, there is the temptation to take hold, to dig in, to hold fast to that within our reach, and sometimes, to cut bait. When in reality, we need each other more than ever as we try simply to manage it all. There is always need for support during times of change and trauma. Let us listen to each other for what is needed, and respond with love, compassion and understanding.
I give thanks for all of you. For this community of faith that is grounded in love and light, and proclaims the values of inclusiveness, radical welcome, community, diversity and stewardship. By listening, we will hear what is needed the most both within our community and beyond. We will hear how we are called to take action during this time of trauma and change, and who needs us the most. As we show up, may we be kind to each other and gracious not knowing more than we are willing to share. Thank you for being a community of faith that honors the One who gives us life and is the source of love.
Join us on Sunday as we celebrate The Presentation of our Lord in the Temple, also known as Candlemas. This Sunday was also the day of consecration for St. John’s Church in 1925. Mr. Rick Nordin has written a prayer of historical remembrance for this special occasion.
In addition, February is Black History Month and plans are underway to learn more about the intersection of African Americans and labor in this country and ongoing struggles, as well as celebrate the rich traditions and culture of our siblings in Christ. We hope to see you.
With love and blessings,