Weekly Update | November 26, 2023

This Thanksgiving I give thanks to God for the dear people of St. John’s Cathedral. I give thanks for all the blessings of life, for your presence among us, for open minds and generous hearts, for asking questions, for sharing stories, for listening, for caring, for showing up on Sunday mornings, for beautiful music, liturgy and flowers, for children young and old, for life itself and love, for seeking to understand, for kindness, for faithfulness, for strength and courage to speak truth, for forgiveness, for the love of God and neighbor, and for you.
Indeed, we are not all these things, all the time; nor, do we always get it right. But many of you do, and if you are reading this message of gratitude, we give thanks.
I am thankful for each and every one of you and for the opportunity to journey with you, the people of St. John’s Cathedral, during this time of transition. I am excited and filled with hope for this beloved community of God.
Much love and blessings,