Come celebrate the 43rd anniversary of Belize's independence from Great Britain THIS SUNDAY. Join us for coffee hour directly after and experience a taste of Belizean cuisine as we celebrate the vibrant Belizean community alive at St. John’s.
A message from the Canon for Music Ministry and Cathedral Arts: I have difficult news to share. Our beloved colleague, Hilary Fraser-Thomson, died this week. Hilary was a deeply loved member of the entire St. John’s Cathedral community, having graced us with her unparalleled musicality and joyful spirit for over 20 years.
We are still moving our way through the wilderness with Holy Week and Easter on the horizon. As we know the wilderness is full uncertainty, along with some challenges. But for those of us who have experienced resurrection, we know that God’s love is unstoppable.
Sunday, September 8, 2024, 8:00 am Said Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Lady Chapel) Sunday, September 8, 2024, 10:00 am Sung Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Sanctuary) In-Person and Live Streamed on YouTube | Leaflet Vestry-On-Call: Mr. Rick Nordin Vestry members are partners with clergy, encouraging the growth of community and the establishment of common ground in the spiritual life of the congregation. Parishioners are always welcome to speak with these individuals on Sunday morning; they assist in making sure our questions, comments, or concerns are heard.
St. John's will celebrate The Venerable Joanne Leslie, former archdeacon, who served at the Cathedral for nine years between 2008 and 2017. The Rt. Rev. John Harvey Taylor will celebrate and preach. An outdoor reception will follow.
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, August 25, 2024, 8:00 am Said Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Lady Chapel) Sunday, August 25, 2024, 10:00 am Sung Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Sanctuary) In-Person and Live Streamed on YouTube Flowers are given by Canon Earl Mounger in memory of his mother on the fourth anniversary of her passing.
A week ago last Monday, we received a call from a clergy colleague asking about using space at the Cathedral for a Lutheran pastor from Palestine. I was told that the speaker was being hosted by Friends of Sabeel in North America (FOSNA). Recognizing FOSNA and checking the calendar, I said yes!
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, August 11, 2024, 8:00 am Said Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Lady Chapel) Sunday, August 11, 2024, 10:00 am Sung Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Sanctuary) In-Person and Live Streamed on YouTube
We knew last Sunday would be glorious as we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women in the Episcopal Church, but I never imagined being thanked and honored by all of you: by your presence, willingness to be servant leaders, generous gifts – beautiful flowers and a delicious coffee hour, and your kind words and loving support. I give special thanks to St. John’s Parish Life Committee, the Rev. Mel Soriano, and Canon Lurelean Gaines, Senior Warden. Thank you for the opportunity to serve with you in ministry.
Many of you know that my family has been separated for the past year or two; we have honored our calls to ministry as a two-priest household. It is so lovely to be reunited and together under one roof again. Our dogs are ecstatic, as am I.
Sermon preached by The Rev. Susan Anderson-Smith on Sunday, July 21, 2024, in Los Angeles Pentecost 9, Proper 11B – ERCL Text: Ephesians 2:11-22
I shared exciting news last Sunday! Over the weekend, the Vestry had a great overnight retreat with Canon Melissa McCarthy leading the way. I also mentioned that a committee was formed to craft possible changes to our values, mission and vision. Any proposed changes will be reviewed by the vestry in August who will then share their work with all of you during a parish-wide gathering in September.
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, July 14, 2024, 8:00 am Said Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Lady Chapel) Sunday, July 14, 2024, 10:00 am Sung Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Sanctuary) In-Person and Live Streamed on YouTube
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, July 7, 2024, 8:00 am Said Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Lady Chapel) Sunday, July 7, 2024, 10:00 am Sung Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Sanctuary) In-Person and Live Streamed on YouTube
Please be patient with us this week! Mr. Kyle Black, the dear staff member in the front answering doors and calls, and the dedicated team member behind the scenes making most things happen is on vacation next week – thanks be to God. He works so hard; we could not be happier that he is taking well-earned paid time off to have a little fun and attend a conference for organists, another gift among his many talents. We sent him off (for one week!) with our blessings as of yesterday; St. John’s will not be the same without him.
Summer has officially arrived as of 20 June! Can you feel it? Calm, bright sunny days lay ahead. St. John’s Cathedral has been is high gear since the first of the year, coming off of a busy fall. To see a little space in the calendar, while parishioners gather to feed our neighbors and to care for our Cathedral home is a welcome respite.
Thanks to vestry member Mr. Rick Nordin for organizing coffee hour for the month of June following our 10:00 am service of Holy Eucharist. Father's Day will be celebrated on the lawn with ice cream sandwiches this weekend - join us! Flowers have been given this week by Dn. Margaret McCauley celebrating the ministries of Dr. Chris Gravis, Dr. Zach Neufeld, and the choir of St. John’s cathedral.
I am beyond grateful to the allies among us who are willing to walk, stand, and act on behalf of those for whom life is not always easy, equal, fair or just. Perhaps you have experienced the blessing of an ally at home, work, church, among friends, or by a new acquaintance or random stranger in the community? This gift of love is beautiful.
Second Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, June 2, 2024, 8:00 am Said Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Lady Chapel) Sunday, June 2, 2024, 10:00 am Sung Holy Eucharist: Rite II (In the Sanctuary)
On the eve of a holiday weekend, as graduates bask in the glory of achievement, and families gather near and far, we hope to see you at St. John’s Cathedral on Sunday for a joyful service to give thanks to God for the blessings of life.
A year ago the talented Joyce Swaving wrote a beautiful poem for Pentecost to be read at St. John’s Cathedral in celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. In it she prays to God for the Holy Spirit to come. In it she names the gifts of the Spirit, and in it, is our hope.
St. John's will host a diocese-wide service of confirmation tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. Bishop Taylor will confirm candidates as presented by their home congregations at the cathedral.
I was told by parish leaders that the only way we could extend hospitality to each other was to pay someone to do it; not so now. There has been this amazing shift in the past six months!
Please join us after the 10:00am Choral Eucharist this Sunday as the Choir of St. John’s Cathedral happily hosts our coffee hour reception. The choir would like to express their profound gratitude to the entire St. John’s community, for your love and support over the past season. There will be plenty of homemade goodies and treats. They look forward to sharing time and conversation with you!
#feedinghungryhearts This weekend, in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, Jim Wallis is bringing the Word.
Alleluia, Christ is Risen! The Lord is Risen Indeed, Alleluia.
Soon, very soon we will celebrate Easter – the glorious day when Jesus becomes known to us in new life-giving ways that transcends life and death, giving love.
The latest edition of Cathedral Life, a quarterly publication of St. John's Cathedral, is now available. In this issue: a message from the Senior Warden on the status of the interim, walking through the music of Lent with our canon musician, updates on formation offerings and parish life from Associate Priest Melvin Soriano, and much more!
During Holy Week and Easter we remember and reenact the events that lead up to the death and resurrection of Jesus and celebrate the central tenants of our faith. Holy Week culminates on Easter Sunday, which celebrates Jesus' resurrection from the dead.
On Sunday February 28,2024, the good people of St. John’s Cathedral gathered in the parish hall with the Rev.Dr. Eric Law for the fifth session on “Celebrating Our Past and Imagining Our Future Together.” The parish hall was so full that two additional tables were needed to seat everyone in the round, along with more handouts and food; a record turnout! The topic was liturgy and music, near and dear to the hearts of people at St. John's Cathedral. Using the guide to “respect communication” the Rev. Dr. Law asked us to commit to the following:
On behalf of St. John’s Cathedral Vestry – The Very Reverend Anne Sawyer has accepted the continuation of the position of Interim Dean/Priest-in-Charge from 15 March 2024 through 15 March 2025.
Early on during my time with you at St. John’s Cathedral, The Rev. Dr. Eric Law encouraged me to write a job description as your Interim Dean and Priest-In-Charge. At the top of the list was the pledge that I would not stay long-term unless we discern a mutual call together.
The Second Sunday in Lent Sunday, February 25, 2024, 9:00 am Sung Holy Eucharist: Rite II (in the Sanctuary) In-Person and Live Streamed on YouTube
St. John’s Cathedral began Black History Month this year on January 14th with the Feast Day of Martin Luther King Jr. and will end on the last Sunday of February; however, let us celebrate the beauty of diversity in ethnicities and cultures of the people of this land and the world all year – as the body of Christ.
Have you looked at the Sunday readings and thought you'd like to study them a little more deeply? To talk about them with your fellow parishioners? Well, now you can!
On Saturday February 10th at 11am, The Program Group on Black Ministries and the H. Belfield Hannibal chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians will host a service at St. John’s Cathedral in honor of Absalom Jones, the first Black priest in The Episcopal Church. The Rev. Joseph Oloimooja will be the preacher. A Mardi Gras-themed lunch featuring peach cobbler will follow.
Annual Meeting This Sunday After Holy Eucharist (in the Parish Hall) Active members are invited to congregate in the Parish Hall after the 10:00am Eucharist for the Annual Meeting. New vestry members will be elected, a vote on the proposed budget will take place, and exciting news on the cathedral's upcoming development project.
This Sunday let us rejoice in the return of the Rev Canon Warner Traynham to our pulpit at St. John’s Cathedral. St. John’s is honored that the Rev. Traynham served as the first black rector of this church from 1984-2001. This beloved priest is known and remembered as a brilliant scholar and philosopher with intellectual acuity and a prophetic voice. He is a writer and artist, as well as a man of action through ministry.
Meet our Vestry Candidates 2024
During this Season of Epiphany, the good people of St. John’s Cathedral will continue our conversation with the Rev. Dr. Eric Law this Sunday, 21 January, after a combined Sunday service at 9am. One service at 9am this Sunday, as we continue our celebration of Black History Month. A light breakfast will be served in the parish hall.
The breaking of light, of love, of God into our world and into our lives every day. Can you see and feel God’s presence within and beyond? As we begin a New Year, on behalf of St. John’s Cathedral I invite you to join us as we continue the process of discerning where God is leading us next. Time never stands still, nor do we.
Abstract art and religious and political activism will intersect at St. John's Episcopal Cathedral for their celebration of Black History Month. St. John's has a history of Social Justice activism. This year St. John's will host several local abstract artists to provide a platform to express social and political commentary in unique and thought-provoking ways.
As we begin our annual observance of Black History here at St. John’s, I am reminded of the scripture in Isaiah 42:9: “See the former things have taken place, and new things I declare, before they spring into being I announce them to you.”
The First Sunday after Christmas Sunday, December 31, 2023, 8:00am Said Holy Eucharist (in the Lady Chapel) Sunday, December 31, 2023, 10:00am Sung Holy Eucharist (in the Sanctuary) accompanied by a soloist and organ. In-Person and Live Streamed on Facebook and YouTube | Service Leaflet
On Sunday we will celebrate Advent IV in the morning and Christmas Eve at night! In one day we move from darkness to the light of Christ born in Jesus. The act of receiving the light of love and carrying it forward into the world requires all of us. On the isle of Iona in Scotland, poet Jan Sutch Pickard describes this act of love.
A courageous wise soul posted a few weeks ago that Christmas is not the easiest time for everyone for numerous reasons. Some of us are far from family and friends. Some are missing loved ones now in the nearer presence of God. Some hold memories of Christmas’ past. Some yearn for their lives to be different or for the world to be different – for violence and war to end. Some are living with uncertainty of life and hardships. The economic stress of it all is too much for many. For others the holidays intensify everything. Some simply feel alone.
Christmas (in old English, Cristes maesse) is a festival celebrated on Dec. 25, commemorating the Incarnation of the Word of God in the birth of Jesus Christ. In the BCP it is also called The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Season of Advent arrives on Sunday, 3 December as we light the first candle. This time of waiting, anticipation, preparation and hope will be filled with opportunities to gather for prayer and reflection.
I am thankful for each and every one of you and for the opportunity to journey with you, the people of St. John’s Cathedral, during this time of transition. I am excited and filled with hope for this beloved community of God.
Let us give heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank (LARFB) for making it possible to provide our neighbors with an abundance of food for their families; and we give thanks to our church and community volunteers for your labor of love. Jeffrey McLellan, Co-chair of the St. John’s Food Pantry, oversees ordering and delivery from the LARFB, drawing on professional knowledge and expertise. Then, the hands and hearts of our volunteers make everything possible through our Food Pantry ministry.
Last week during our wonderful gathering with The Rev. Eric Law, we heard members share stories and feelings, and we listened so that we could learn. Thank you for showing up, your active participation, your courage and voice, your open mind, open heart, and willingness to hold the fullness of experiences by generations of members over many years of worship, prayer, music, service, community and love.
Happy Fall! Autumn is a season that is all about transitions from long days of light to shorter days, warm weather to cooler temps, green leaves to beautiful yellow, orange, and red ones; from baseball to football, from one season to the next. I suspect that some of us love the fall, while others long for the past season. Yet, we know that each season is essential for the cycles of life and rebirth. Our faith teaches us this too.
A week ago it was a visit to Carter House, which is affordable housing for 20 people with disabilities and a resident property manager. This week Canon Lurelean Gaines and I visited the first St. John’s Well Child and Family Center, or St. John’s Community Health (SJCH) located at 58th Street in South LA, after the clinic moved from St. John’s Cathedral years ago. We met with CEO, Jim Mangia – a visit that filled our hearts with joy.
It is with great sadness that I share that Ada and her team are leaving St. John’s Cathedral. While Ada made this decision last week, she let us know that last Sunday was her last. I’m told that goodbyes are hard. .
We write to you in the spirit of gratitude for your presence, gifts of time and talent, and for blessing us at St. John’s simply by participating in church services on-line or in person. Whether you have attended St. John’s for 40+ years, are a recent congregant, or find yourself somewhere in between, you are loved with equal fervor by Christ.
God of peace, we pray for the people of Palestine and Israel in these perilous and dangerous times.
This time of year is one of transition liturgically without knowing fully what is happening.
Beginning last week with the parish wide gathering of “Celebrating Our Past, and Imagining Our Future Together,” as the choir and compline return on Sunday after their summer rest, and with the Blessing of Animals on Sunday, one can feel excitement and enthusiasm in the air! On Saturday, acolytes new and old are meeting at 9am for training and practice.
Celebrating Our Past and Imagining Our Future Together
On the horizon is a very special gathering on September 24th at St. John’s Cathedral. On this Sunday, there will one service at 9am!
Dear Friends In Christ,Nearly every Sunday, our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. John H. Taylor, is on the road visiting a different church community in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles to preach and celebrate with parishioners near and far. This Sunday, Bishop Taylor will be with us!
You are cordially invited to a brunch and conversation on Sept 24, Oct 22, Nov 5, from 10am to 12:30pm, where we will take the opportunity to celebrate, examine, and learn from our past and the present as we look to the future of our St. John's congregation.
During the month of September, St. John’s Cathedral will celebrate the Season of Creation beginning on Labor Day Weekend and ending on October 1st, with the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
Dear Friends, Heads and hearts are full with gratitude for joyful happenings at St. John’s Cathedral LA.
Dear Friends In Christ,In life there is always yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Dear friends, It’s hard to believe that this September marks the start of my seventh year with you at St. John’s Cathedral. Serving our community is one of the great blessings of my life and work. As we finish these last weeks of Summer I will be taking a time of spiritual renewal, and fulfilling a “bucket-list”dream of mine to walk 500 miles on the Camino de Santiago across northern Spain.
Dear Friends In Christ,Let us take a deep breath, and allow the Spirit of God to quiet our minds and hearts, and give us peace.
Dear Friends in Christ,In June Mel Soriano was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on his way to becoming a Priest.
Dear Friends in Christ, There is a quote from Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, “Learning To Walk In The Dark,” that speaks to me at this time.
It’s hard to believe that I have been with you for nearly a third of the year.
Dear Friends in Christ,This Saturday we will celebrate the glorious long life of Valeria Louise McCray, who died last month on June 5, 2023 at the age of 101.
Dear Friends in Christ,Amanda & Hamilton have given birth to Serafina! Valeria, Margaret, Judy are among the beloved members and family who have died.
Parish Wide Meeting This Sunday
There is no easy way to say this: I am indeed different from your past Deans.
This week on reflection, I find myself looking back, looking forward, and acknowledging the present.
Word is trickling out the St. John’s principal service on Sunday will be at 8am!
This week we bid fond farewell to Mr. Stephen Salts, who has served as the Director of the Cathedral Choral Academy since 2019.
What does it mean to be the church? What is required of me? Is attending church services on Sunday morning enough?
Dear Friends in Christ,Join us on Sunday for worship at 10 am for a grand celebration, or 8 am for a quieter meditative service – equally filled with the Holy Spirit on Pentecost!
Dear Friends in Christ,This Sunday after services at 8am and 10am, the Vestry of St. John’s Cathedral will be hosting a festive coffee hour in thanksgiving and with gratitude for the members of our church who give of their time serving nearly every week in preparation for Sunday worship, during services, and on behalf of the church regularly online and in service to our neighbors.
Dear Friends In Christ, During this celebratory season of Eastertide, there are a few realities that can awaken us.
Dear Friends In Christ,Greetings! I have missed you while away at the North American Dean’s Conference and the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles Clergy Conference this past week.
Dear Friends In Christ,Greetings from Washington DC! This year I have the honored of attending the 68th AnnualNorth American National Deans Conference, being held at the National Cathedral.
On 6 May 2023, you are invited to be confirmed, to reaffirm your confirmational vows, and/or to be received into the Episcopal Church. The service will be held at St. John’s Cathedral at 10am by Bishop John H. Taylor.
Dear Friends in Christ,Alleluia, Christ Is Risen! The Lord Is Risen Indeed, Alleluia! What a glorious Easter it was!
Soon, very soon we will celebrate with joy Jesus’ victory over death, and hope everlasting through Christ, our Lord.
Easter is around the corner! Spring has arrived, as rains continue to replenish water reserves.
Easter is around the corner! Spring has arrived, as rains continue to replenish water reserves. Perhaps this year, we are being reminded of the cycle of life in ways that are beyond our control. The gift of life, and bounties of creation.
Dear Friends in Christ, Thank you for the warm welcome as your Interim Dean and Priest in Charge.
Join us for Holy Week! Our first service is Sunday, April 2nd.
Dear Friends in Christ, Greetings! I am so looking forward to our time together at St. John’s Cathedral, meeting all of you and hearing your stories.
As senior warden I'd like to take a moment to say how thankful I am for the ministries of Mo. Lyn and Deacon Margaret.
When I was asked to write an article about Black Episcopalians and our place in the kingdom of God and our role in bringing the kingdom of God, I immediately thought of this work by Kara Walker because in understanding how we have come to be Black Episcopalians in America I believe we must first understand how we got here, not just to our nation's shores, but how we have arrived at this place in time.
The vestry appointed Heather Ward to serve a one year term to fill a vacancy and elected Avie Kimbell to be our new junior warden. Thanks to both for their service to St. John’s and thanks to Michael Tracy who just completed his term.
Happy Black History Month! We are enjoying an informative and celebratory series of events. Thank you to the members of the Black History Committee chaired by Canon Earl Mounger.
During the past few weeks I have been what I’ll call spiritually busy. My focus was the rare and dynamic and dedicated lives of Reverend Absalom Jones and his lifelong spiritual colleague and friend, Reverend Richard Allen. For purposes here, I will concentrate on Reverend Jones.Reverend Jones was attracted to the Episcopal Church where in 1802 he became its first African American priest.What I will explore here is some ways in which in 2023 St. John’s Cathedral can make some aspect of the Jones legacy a viable and ongoing part of St. John’s Cathedral life.
St. John's Cathedral proudly celebrates a long history of Black African-American and Caribbean identity here in Los Angeles. It is especially fitting that we embrace Black History month as a spiritual community. Part of the way we express that identity every year in February is through our music.
St. John’s Cathedral proudly celebrates a long history of Black African-American and Caribbean identity here in Los Angeles.