Weekly Update | May 14, 2023

Dear Friends In Christ,
During this celebratory season of Eastertide, there are a few realities that can awaken us. One is a low bank balance, and the other is drawing from investments to pay property taxes and bills.
Such mundane transactions are of this world, and so are we – for now. This scenario had me taking a close look at our finances, and checking our pledge list at least once or twice. We need you, dear people of God, to support our beautiful church and to make all things possible, including worship and glorious music every Sunday, and God’s work in our neighborhood, our city and our world.
In the Episcopal Church, the definition of a member in good standing is being baptized or on the path toward baptism in most churches, church attendance regularly, a pledge of financial support toward the operating expenses of our church, and your active participation in the life of this parish.Too often we see priests as leading worship. While we may play a role, the ministers of the church are all of you.
The ministry of lay persons is to represent Christ and his Church; to bear witness to him wherever they may be; and, according to the gifts given them, to carry on Christ's work of reconciliation in the world; and to take their place in the life, worship, and governance of the Church (Book of Common Prayer).
This said, we do need your financial support. Attendance is back to pre-pandemic numbers; however, both pledging and charitable contributions remain low.To all of you who have made a generous pledge to St. John’s, thank you! If by chance, you have not made a pledge this year, please consider making one today or, making a charitable contribution online or by mail. Your financial support will allow us to continue operating smoothly, to launch new initiatives, to be our best as we search for a new Dean long-term, and to live fully into our dreams of building housing and community nearby. Please become a member today, or renew your membership if it has lapsed. Again, for those of you who have given already and join us at church or online, thank you for bearing witness to Christ and his Church, and carrying on the work of reconciliation in our community and world.
May God bless you today and always,
Anne Sawyer
Interim Dean & Priest-in-Charge