
Weekly Update | September 18, 2022

We are off and running! The public schools and universities have opened their doors to welcome a new program year. Here at the cathedral we are beginning our new year as well.The young choral scholars have had their first rehearsal, and soon the cathedral choir will be back in full form. Moreover, the vestry and I will be working on some major initiatives.

These events mark for us a good time to pause and reflect before we launch ourselves into the busy months between Labor Day and the Christmas holidays. I invite you to spend five quiet minutes thinking about the shape of your life in the months to come.

Consider that as “cathedral people” we are the baptized, that defining moment in the life of every follower of Jesus. In Holy Baptism we have been united with our Savior Jesus Christ in his saving death and victorious resurrection. He will be active, alive, and present in our church and lives bringing life out of death, light out of darkness. This is THE fact of life for us.

So…let it show. Consider two ways you can form your life ahead. First, plan to make time every Sunday to be present to hear the Risen One speak in scripture, sermon, and prayer and receive his living presence in the Body and Blood of communion. What an enormous privilege and honor this is. Second, begin planning for and praying about your financial pledge to the mission work of Jesus, that is, to the mission carried out in Jesus’ name by our cathedral and diocese. In our society money is what makes things work, and remains true for the ministry of the church, as well. Let’s make our money work for Jesus.

I’ll see you soon at the cathedral. Please make time to chat with me.

Peace and blessings,
