
Deans' Note August 1, 2021

Vaccination Policy

Dear St. John's Cathedral community,

We are developing a vaccination registry for people attending the in-person 9:00 am service and/or the 10:30 am Christian Education hour. We ask that you either send electronic verification of your vaccination to the church office, or bring your vaccination card with you. You will need to do this only one time and then your name will be on the registry.

We believe this policy will help to ensure that St. John's is a safe space for everyone physically attending. We especially hope parents of small children and those who are elderly will be more comfortable attending services. Our policy of wearing masks during indoor services still remains in effect. Of course we continue to be committed to live streaming all our services and education events so that our community reach continues to include both those physically and digitally present.

Blessings in Christ,

Fr. Mark and Fr. Dan