
Food Pantry

The Food Pantry is a St. John’s Cathedral Prophetic Social Witness ministry (see more here). St John's Food Pantry is one of fourteen member agencies of HopeNet, a consortium of faith based food pantries including Christian, Muslim and Jewish congregations, serving the near west side of Los Angeles.

Our fourteen agencies are among the six hundred agencies served by the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Our client base is composed mostly of the working poor, whose wages are inadequate to provide for housing, utilities, food and medical care. In addition to our generous Cathedral congregational support, the principal source of the food that we distribute is provided through the Federal Emergency Food Assistance Program, EFAP, administered through the LA Regional Food Bank.

We are open 3rd Saturday morning from 8:30 – 10:30 am, and currently serve approximately 150 client households a month. No documentation is needed in order to receive food. The Food Pantry staff is composed entirely of volunteers and if you would like to join us, please contact the Church Office (email here) for information about rewarding volunteer opportunities.