
Advent Lessons and Carols

Event Description

Prepare your heart for the season of Christmas. Come experience the ancient tradition and joyful expectation of the Advent carol service, sung by the choir of St. John's Cathedral. Music selections include "This is the truth sent from above" by Ralph Vaughan Williams; "A spotless Rose" by Herbert Howells; "A hymn to the Virgin" by Benjamin Britten; "Tomorrow shall be my dancing day" by Richard Shephard; "I wonder as I wander," arr. Aaron McDermid; "Be still, my soul" by Percy Whitlock; "There is a flower" by John Rutter; and several hymns for congregational singing, plus organ voluntaries by J.S. Bach and Adolphus Hailstork.

Proof of full vaccination required for entry. Masks must be worn at all times.

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