
Weekly Update | April 9, 2023

Dear Friends in Christ,

Soon, very soon we will celebrate with joy Jesus’ victory over death, and hope everlasting through Christ, our Lord. To experience this new life, you are invited to be with us as we sit at the cross, as we recall God’s acts of salvation and as we baptize a precious child into the household of God.

This year on Easter morning at 10am, we are pleased to have Bishop John Taylor with us as Celebrant and Preacher. After the service, there will be an Easter Egg Hunt for children. All are most welcome.

While one could hop from Palm Sunday to Easter, we know too well that most of life happens

in the between time, during the ordinariness of everyday life. This is often true until we awake to how precious life truly is. Then life, is really never the same. After, everything and everyone is more beautiful than before, and every moment with loved ones is to be treasured, as is life itself.

This life in Christ is never-ending we learn, but for now we are invited to savor the time that

we have with Jesus, and with all of us who gather. May these moments in time awake in you the beauty and joy of life and love that surround us on every side. May this Holy Week and Easter open the way for new and renewed hope in this life, and forevermore.

With God’s love and blessings,

Anne Sawyer

Interim Dean & Priest-in-Charge